Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Should parents be friends to their children ?

In life we have different roles to play. Boss/subordinate, teacher/ student, husband/wife, friend/friend, director/actor, singer/music director, parent/ child etc. etc. We have to play the role that is assigned to us at that moment. When we are boss we need to behave like one and similarly when we are the subordinate we need to behave like one. It will be catastrophic when these roles are reversed or not played correctly.

Role of a parent and a friend are different-so much so they are even conflicting. Parent is one who holds position of responsibility, a guardian, even a role model to a child. They make decisions for them, they are also consultants, give guidance and always seek the best for them. They are at least one rung above the child. Friends on the other hand are peers and are not responsible for the child’s action. 

Being a friend can lead to over indulgence and may even make the child clueless, without any proper direction. These children are likely to become ineffective parents as well.

Be friendly, but not their best friend. Let them do chores. Set limits and enforce them.

Parents who are afraid to put their foot down usually have children who step on their toes

I think, our children, like us have lots of friends, but have only one mother and father. This unique relationship should always be maintained. When in doubt, when in a problem and to guide them in the correct path whom will they approach? If parents are friends then to whom will they go for advice, who will show them the righteous path, whose hand will they hold while crossing an abyss and on whose shoulders will they cry?

Don’t worry that your children never listen to you, worry that they are always watching you.

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