Sunday, November 28, 2010


Dellhi Metro ? How safe we women are without Arms Force in the train? its a condition  of Osmosis if I understand the term correctly is the process of liquid passing through a membrane. Converse of this is when something else passes through a liquid like water it is called reverse osmosis .
Day in and day out we hear about violence against women. Of late  acid throwing or causing injury resulting in death, stalking, sending obscene emails sms or mms etc especially by disgruntled lovers and sex maniacs has become more.  The victims are mostly college students or single women even minor girls in their teens are not spared.  In some cases the women/girls unable to bear the torture or harassment commit suicide.  
Now if we analyse the situation who is to be blamed for this?  Is it the parents who’s  primary duty it is to keep their wards in check or the educational institutions who openly flaunt the rules and are more interested in making education  a profitable business venture or is it the movies that propagate puppy love and make every youngster feel that they  can lay any girl they come across  or is it the law enforcement agencies who fail to take action in time and are more concerned about security to VIPs and bandobast  rather than law and order.  In my opinion it’s a combination of all these factors with the balance of course being tilted towards the last one.
I remember last to last year It was a surprise though not a pleasant one to read in the papers that at Kadappa in Andhra Pradesh an alleged stalker who was blackmailing a women with some obscene mms of hers was killed by her and her parents in broad day light  in full view of public stabbed and cut with knives and sickles. It is reported the blackmailing  continued despite warning s and requests. If the allegation is true it shows the deep sense of resentment which the women and her family were pushed to.   A true case of reverse osmosis.A  seven days passed a gang rape in the car the victim was thrown in the park and still  police has not found the culprits they r moving on the road how safe we are ?
This might be one off case of a victim taking law into their hands or is it just the beginning of those pushed to a corner hitting back.  Let the readers for a moment think that I support this action , but what I am worried about is is that it shows the beginning of a new trend and if allowed to grow may lead to disastrous consequences. Another  revelation of the whole episode is that women should not be viewed as the weaker sex and atrocities perpetrated against them.  In the first place all concerned should take immediate proper action  upon a complaint being received. Though a permanent solution still eludes us the incident is to be viewed as a wake up call for all concerned and ways and means to put an end to the menace found.

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